WWII Battle on American Soil
May 2018 marks the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Attu - the only ground battle of WWII to take place on American soil.

A Refuge, A Home - Changed Forever
For thousands of years, Attu was home to people and wildlife. Long before the war, Attu was one of the earliest Federally protected wildlife resource areas. The Battle of Attu forever changed the island, its inhabitants, and the lives of those who waged battle there, leaving behind scars and stories scattered among the national wildlife refuge that exists today. Read more...
- Also an organizing partner: Japanese-American Citizens League (Alaska Chapter)
- Atwood Foundation
- Rasmuson Foundation
- Grant Aviation
- Prince William Sound Museum
- Aleutian Pribilof Islands Restitution Trust
- UAA Alaska Native Studies
- UAA Diversity Action Council
- TDX Corporation
- Tundra Technologies
- Taiga Communications
- Aleut Corporation
- Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association
- Glacial Water Company
- Sue Vaughn in honor of her late father and WWII Aleutian Veteran Frank Vaughn
Sharon Davis
Tim & Christy Rockwell
- Alaska State Museum
- Ounalashka Corporation
- Friends of Alaska National Wildlife Refuges