Commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Attu
Please join us for one or more of these informational events.
Film Screening & Discussion with the Director
When: Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 2:00-4:00pm
Where: University of Alaska Anchorage, Fine Arts Building
The film premiere of “When the Fog Clears,” directed by award winning Japanese film director Tadashi Ogawa seeks to make the “Forgotten War” unforgettable. This film features Kiska and Attu Island which had been occupied by Japan during WWII. 90 minutes
Opening Reception & Reflections on Attu Art Show
When: Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 6:30pm
Where: Loussac Library, Anchorage, Alaska
Join us as we welcome and honor U.S. and Japanese Veterans and Descendants from the battle and village of Attu. Program opens with the Anchorage Unangax Dancers and a message of peace. View a new display on Attu and art from 2017 Refuge Artists-in-Residence Andrea Nelson, Nancy Lord, and Irene Owsley. Refreshments served.
Attu Survivors and Descendants Potluck Luncheon
When: Friday, May 18, 2018 at 11:30am
Where: Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association, Anchorage,Alaska
In 2017, eleven Attu descendants revisited the village site their parents and grandparents left behind forever in 1942 when they were taken to Japan as prisoners. They gathered grass from Attu to bring back to expert basket weavers in the Attu style. Descendants and weavers will share their experiences and display grass and baskets. Ray Hudson will give a short talk entitled "The Last Baskets from Attu."
Descendants Panel Discussion
When: Friday, May 18 at 2:00pm
Where: Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association, Anchorage,Alaska
Join this panel of descendants from the Village of Attu, U.S. Soldiers, and Japanese soldiers to gain a unique perspective on the Battle of Attu.

Japanese Perspective on WWII in the Aleutians
When: Friday, May 18, 2018, 7:00pm
(doors open at 5:30pm, reception at 6:00pm)
(doors open at 5:30pm, reception at 6:00pm)
Where: Anchorage Museum in Anchorage, Alaska
Speakers explore Japan’s military strategy and soldiers’ experiences during the Battle of Attu in 1943.
Battle of Attu Exhibit Grand Opening - All Day Event
When: Saturday, May 19 from 10:00am-4:00pm
Where: Alaska Aviation Museum in Anchorage, Alaska
- 1pm - Veterans Panel
- 3pm Commemoration Ceremony
A full day of fly-ins, films, and displays. Warbird rides and food available for purchase.
Exhibitions & Art Shows
Reflections on Attu Art Show
When: May 17-June 17, 2018
Where: Loussac Library in Anchorage, Alaska
Battle of Attu Exhibition
When: May - November, 2018
Where: Alaska Aviation Museum in Anchorage, Alaska

- Also an organizing partner: Japanese-American Citizens League (Alaska Chapter)
- Atwood Foundation
- Rasmuson Foundation
- Grant Aviation
- Prince William Sound Museum
- Aleutian Pribilof Islands Restitution Trust
- UAA Alaska Native Studies
- UAA Diversity Action Council
- TDX Corporation
- Tundra Technologies
- Taiga Communications
- Aleut Corporation
- Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association
- Glacial Water Company
- Sue Vaughn in honor of her late father and WWII Aleutian Veteran Frank Vaughn
Sharon Davis
Tim & Christy Rockwell
- Alaska State Museum
- Ounalashka Corporation
- Friends of Alaska National Wildlife Refuges